When You Plant Tomatoes
When do you plant tomatoes? This question arises in each spring from the lucky and horticultures. At the end of March or early April, the seeds of tomatoes on the floor are sowed, and in May the razada reaches sufficient size.
First The tomatoes will be planted. They're under film, and then they're in the open. I'm being filmed in mid or late May. In different climatic zones, warming comes at different times, so the planting time has to be matched to heat.
At the end of May, and better in June, the scatter should be open. During this time, the freezes are already under way, and there's no danger of siege. Russad needs to be planted when the first bruises the flower. We need to remember that air temperatures below 15 degrees negatively affect growth and colouring. But at the early planting of the sediment, the elevated soil humidity and lower air temperatures have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system. It is important to cover plants with film to create optimal temperatures.
Before landing, the soil needs to be processed and integrated fertilizers made, so it is also necessary to process the Bordo fluid and the manganese for disease prevention. They make moons of 30 per centimetres for siege. Lunkie's half asleep with a pepper, an ash and a superphosphate. They scatter so that the first sheet is above the soil.
When the tomatoes are clear, it is important to do everything in time and create the best conditions for disembarkation. In this case, you'll get a great tomato yield.
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