Potato Landing



1. Tomatoes sharp - tomatoes; - laurel leaf; - sharp red peppers, - garlic, selery, nails, peppers, burner seeds, root of shit. Marin 1 recept…

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Precipitation Of Early Potatoes

Precipitation Of Early Potatoes

The club is a drowned underground stem, a table, and its top is a nutrient repository. Potato tubers often look perfectly normal but have hidden…

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Potato Planting

Potato Planting

Today, horticultural horticultures can no longer be used without different machines, mechanisms, devices and devices. Such devices can also be…

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Potato Landing

Potato Landing

The beginning of May is the traditional time of planting potatoes. So it s time to think about how to put it this time, because recently new…

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Sedition Time

Sedition Time

How to raise cucumbers through the sand! In order to speed up the beginning of the cucumber feturing, I grow them through the sand. Settle seeds…

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Eye Potatoes

Eye Potatoes

For the production of whole tuber potatoes, a bush consisting of several distinct plants is formed. But since the growth and intensification…

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