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When You Put Tomatoes In The Greenhouse

Tomatoes need a lower humidity of air, they are more comfortable with heat and soil flaw. With high air humidity, tomatoes suffer from mushroom and bacterial diseases, colours do not fall, yield decreases, fruit tastes worse. So in the warm weather tomato heater It's advisable to keep an open little one, even for the night.

On the contrary, the cucumbers suffer more from a shortage of air and soil moisture. Their big leaves evaporate a lot of water, and if the humidity of the air is low, the roots just don't work, and the leaves are coming up. But in the greenhouse, they feel great-- vigorously evaporated water, they create a favourable microclimate, almost 100 per cent humidity.

This humidity prevents tomatoes from living. If we're starting to get warmer, the cucumbers are already suffering. It is therefore better to separate them to offer each of the most appropriate conditions.
There are similar features in other warm cultures (peppers, bachelors, etc.) so they can only be combined with their "weather" bias.

The design of the greenhouse shall meet the specific needs of each type of vegetable in temperature, heating, tidal and care.

Какую теплицу выбрать Мой выбор.| Greenhouse - my choice.
Какую теплицу выбрать??? Мой выбор.| Greenhouse - my choice.
Крутецкий фермер #2 Высадка помидор в теплицу. (Farming
Крутецкий фермер #2 Высадка помидор в теплицу. (Farming ...
К нам пришло тепло. Сажаем помидоры в теплицу.
К нам пришло тепло. Сажаем помидоры в теплицу.
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