How To Grow Potatoes

How To Grow Potatoes

It s hard to imagine how Rusie lived without potato. Thank Peter I for bringing him in and spreading it across Russia! Of course, the best potato is the one you raised yourself. You can t even compare him to the buyer! Each type of potatoes has its infinite taste. Therefore, horticultures carefully select the varieties of potatoes…

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Video Cultivation

Video Cultivation

Petunia is the favourite plant of many lucky and flower breeds. Her bright, beautiful flowers can t keep an eye. She s got clums and balconies and teras. She feels good both in…

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The frequency of the discharge is determined by the physiological condition of the plant and external conditions: air temperature, soil and air humidity, lighting intensity, water…
great service

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1. Tomatoes sharp - tomatoes; - laurel leaf; - sharp red peppers, - garlic, selery, nails, peppers, burner seeds, root of shit. Marin 1 recept. Tomatoes selected for marination…
Greenhouse for sale in Europe

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Russada Tomato In The Greenhouse

Russada Tomato In The Greenhouse

Contents: If you want to put the tomatoes in the greenhouse in May, it s time to sit down and wait for the outlets. How is it right to swim and feed plants? What s a cliff? The…

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Precipitation Of Early Potatoes

Precipitation Of Early Potatoes

The club is a drowned underground stem, a table, and its top is a nutrient repository. Potato tubers often look perfectly normal but have hidden diseases. Healthy nudity tubers…
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When You Put The Cucumbers In The Greenhouse

When You Put The Cucumbers In The Greenhouse

Content: It seems that we have recently discussed the cultivation of tomatoes, and now it is time to plant cucumbers. The view of the gardeners here is different: someone prefers to grow up in a home environment and only then move the cucumbers into a greenhouse, another more comfortable to sit in a greenhouse or a greenhouse…

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Raise The Cucumbers

Raise The Cucumbers

In the context of megapolis, we have to eat only the food we sell in supermarkets. But for those who have an insurmountable desire to make fresh cucumbers of their own production, even under the conditions of the city, there is an excellent opportunity to develop this culture on their own balcony. Contents: How to raise cucumbers…

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All About Carrots

All About Carrots

The carrots contain vitamins of group B, PP, C, E, K, it has carotine, a substance that turns into vitamin A. Carrkov contains 1, 3 per cent protein, 7 per cent carbon. There was little in carrots of minerals needed for humans: potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, copper, iodine, zinc, chromium, nickel, fluoro and…

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When You Lay Tomatoes

When You Lay Tomatoes

Chemistry tomatoes without chemistry and how to speed up their rip. Once a long experience in agriculture, an older employee has taught me how to lay down tomatoes: dig up the moon, pretty deep, put into it the first real leaflets, or a little higher, to pour water into the hole and buried. And don t drink anymore. I ve been…

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