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Care For The Garden

If you have a suburban house or a little day-to-day precinct, you'd like to know how to plan the area properly, break the garden and the garden. This section provides detailed information with photographs of a wide variety of crops for gardens and gardens: berries, vegetables, handicrafts and fruit trees. We make recommendations on the proper cultivation and care of your garden-hot plants, how to fight diseases and pests at the site, how to preserve your crops, which fertilizers will be most efficient and safe. Every month in this section, we publish a calendar of recommended works in this section. gardens

We are confident that the submissions will be useful both for those who already have their gardens and gardens and for those who are just thinking about starting their own vegetables, berries and fruits. Also in this section, you will be able to find information on the cultivation and collection of mushrooms, on the medicinal plants and their useful properties, on how to combat weeds. If you need help, you should draw your attention to the relevant section of our forum devoted to the garden and the garden. Our experienced users will always help you with your advice or share their experiences, and you can publish pictures of your plot and crop.

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