Leaving For Cabbage
After landing at a permanent place of care for plants, there is a range of irrigation, feeding, timely feeding of weeds, plant maiming and constant disease control, and especially numerous cabbage pests.
The high need for cabbage in moisture requires constant maintenance of high soil humidity. In the first two weeks following the landing, cabbage is dried every 3-4 days of unrefrigerated water at a cost of 5-8 l/kv.m. During this period, the optimum soil humidity should be between 70 and 75 per cent, i.e., it develops a stronger root system.
First days after landing Disembarkation only the space around the plants is gradually increasing, and 10 to 12 days after the planting of the plant, the whole area has to be flooded.
Water demand increases as the number of leaves increases and reaches its maximum with nomadic formation. During this period, maximum wetting and moisture content in the soil is required to reach 80-85%. Therefore, if 1-1, 5 litres of water are poured under each plant in the first two weeks, the rate has increased to 3-4 l since the cocasing.
During the ripeness of the cabbage, the tidal must be restricted, otherwise the cutting of cocas will occur.
Three ways can be floated: leather, bean water and a special rainbow.
Early cabbage needs to be polished in June and later in August during the mass education of cochans. It is not possible at this time to allow the leaflets to be exposed to a lack of water in the soil, i.e., the plants are starting to die of thin crusts.
It's the best time for a cabbage spill, morning or evening. The water temperature shall not be less than 20 °C. There's no cultivation in years.

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