11.Квашение капусты (3)

Growing Cabbage

Caleb vegetables are at the forefront of both crops and production and food consumption. It's a universal vegetable culture. It is used as a right and as an independent dish in a fresh form of salad preparation, welded for the first and second meals.

By the calorium of cabbage, many vegetable crops, such as beans, beans, etc., are significantly reduced. It contains an average of 8.0 per cent of the dry matter, comprising 4.3 per cent of the Sugars, 2.1 per cent of the raw protein, 0.9 per cent of the cells, 0.7 per cent of the ash.

Mineral salts that are part of the ash are important to humans. These are potassium salts, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese. They are part of tissue cells and blood plasmas. Catalyst cage is beneficial to organisms, contributes to the normal work of the bowel and removes cholesterol than prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin composition is particularly valuable. For vitamin C content (average 35 - 50 mg per 100 g), cabbage does not yield fruit such as lemon and orange. Group B vitamins, which are in large numbers in cabbage: B-1, 5; B: 0, 8; B, 1, 8 mg per kg. It also has vital vitamins of PP (6,0 mg kg) involved in the exchange of substances and K (30 mg/kg) contributing to the reduction of blood.

From time immemorial, the cure properties of cabbage are known. The old Russian treatments describe many prescriptions that she was appointed to treat ulcers, burns. The whole quality of cabbage has been confirmed by scientific research and is now being introduced as a dietary product in cardiovascular diseases, and as an effective means of treating the ulcer disease, the stomach is being used as a waste.

How cultivate kale

Under cabbage, well-developed fertile soils with light mechanical composition and watertight subsoil should be removed. The pole shall be warmed up and fast and have a reaction of the soil solution closer to the neutral indicator.

Previous: For late cabbage, single-year and multi-year grass, cucumbers, beetles, beetle, carrots. For the middle, cucumbers, onions, peas, tomatoes, beetles. For the early, cucumbers, peas. Early potatoes may be predominant. ♪

ПАРНИК Выращиваем редис и капусту
ПАРНИК Выращиваем редис и капусту
Как сажать и выращивать капусту и огурец готовим теплицу
Как сажать и выращивать капусту и огурец готовим теплицу ...
как выращивать огурец и капусту расставляем капусту
как выращивать огурец и капусту расставляем капусту ...
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