How To Raise Cucumbers In The Greenhouse
In a greenhouse, even a small one, cucumber plants need to be formed. Without this, it is not possible to use its volume rationally and to provide equilibrium lighting. A wire shall be retracted before seeds are planted or scattered under the roof of the greenhouse above the rows of plants at a height of 170 to 200 cm. They're tied up with a spaghetti that's going to hit the cucumber piles. One end of the spaghat is a sliding knot attached to the wire, another at 10 cm is tied to the plant. As the stalk grows, it's stacking around the cord.
When the cucumbers begin to climb the spagate, all leaf pads of the lower part of the plant " blind " remove flower kidneys and side runs up to 50 cm from the ground. The following 5-6 knots (approximately up to 1 m) shall be pinned on one sheet and one tie. The upper core of the main stem shall be pinned on two sheets and two blindfolds.
The top of the plant is cautiously wrapped around the wire scaplers under the roof of the greenhouse. In the low heats, the barbed wire is placed under the cap or glass of the roof of the greenhouse, so the main stem is pinned short, above the 3-5-foot sheet above the barbed wire, avoiding the burial.
In a small heater, it's convenient to grow cucumbers on a vertical grid using the plant's properties to cling to the back. To this end, a wire or plastic grid is drawn along the two rows. It should be strengthened on each side, in the form of a care and harvest. Steps and leaves are less traumatized, and yields are increasing with good lighting.
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