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How To Raise Kale

The cabbage is the favourite of many vegetables that have long been called a garden bar. It's not the last place in our diet. She's been successfully used in popular medicine. She's mysterious. And from being able to grow a cauliflower on its land, I'm willing to give up a rare gardener. But without a good grief, it's most likely that this unique vegetable can be harvested, so let's talk about the secrets of a healthy and solid cabbage plant.

Secretary 1: Strict selection of the class

Before you buy seeds, you'll decide what kind of cabbage you want eventually, for what and when you need it. This will depend, first and foremost, on the time frame for the settlement of cabbages. One thing is, if you want to dig up an early cabbage in the salads, and another thing is, if you need a cabbage for squid and long winter storage.

White cabbage can be stabbed, medium and late. Early varieties of low-yields are small enough (approximately 1, 5 kg) of medium-density nomadic. Medium-speed varieties of cabbage are suitable for both summer consumption and sunflower, and late-size cabbages are not better suited for long-term fresh storage.

Besides, the timing of the ripeness of the cabbage varies, and the timing of its planting, remember.

Secret 2: purchase of quality seeds

It is the quality of the seeds, not least, that will depend on the quality of the landing, which means the yield of the cabbage, so acquire the quality of the planting material.
How to buy seeds properly so we don't get an expired, lost grief because of improper storage, or even counterfeit planting, we talked in articles how to buy seeds on the Internet and 10 seed purchase rules. And in order to avoid mistakes in your choice, read this useful material.

Sub-Decree 3: Preparing sound soilsmesis

To grow a solid dissolved cabbage, the nutritious soil mixture must be properly prepared. Ideally, the soil for the cabbage must be cooked from the fall, but if for any reason you haven't done it, you can do it now. Mix 1 part of the woodland and the cross, add some ash (10 st.l. for every 10 kg of soil) and mix the substrates. In this case, ash will be a source not only of micro- and macro-elements, but also of an excellent anti-Septician who can prevent the emergence of a black knife on cabbage seeds.
Of course, you can cook any other nutrient soil mixture, not only on the basis of woodland, but also, for example, the peat. It is important that the resulting soil be airproof and fertile. Also, by preparing a soil mixture for cabbage scatter, never use the garden land on which cross-coloured crops have previously been grown: it must have catalyst infections, and the likelihood of spreading disease is growing at once.

Secret 4: The right choice of the term of cabbage planting

There's no point in sowing. I'll distract the cables. early January is too early, or late May is too late. That's the story every gardener knows. But even though we know the exact dates of seedlings, it is sometimes difficult to determine a specific date. Let's get this straight.

Remember: early-grade cables must be scattered from the beginning of March to about 25 to 28, medium-sized seeds can be planted tentatively from 25 March to 25 April, and late-grade cables from the beginning and until the 20th of April.

If such a time limit for the seeding of cables seems to be overly blurry and incomprehensible, and you're a fan of the details, then you'll appreciate the recommendations from the article when the vegetables are planted on the ground, it describes algorithms that help to calculate the optimum time frame for settlement precisely for your conditions.

Well, I'll give you one more clue: to determine the time frame for scattering the seeds from time to time, it takes about 10 days (plus minus a couple of days) and it takes about 50 to 55 days from coming up to the landing time. It is therefore necessary to sow the cabbage into the ground within 5 to 60 days of the desired landing.

Secretary 5: Mandatory pre-positioning

In the case of cabbage seeds, it is not worthwhile to hope for " navas " , before the planting, you must process them by using one of the generally accepted methods of pre-conditioning seeds.
See also:
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Как вырастить цветную капусту
Как вырастить декоративную капусту
Как вырастить декоративную капусту
КАК ВЫРАСТИТЬ КАПУСТУ Попробуй, это просто
КАК ВЫРАСТИТЬ КАПУСТУ Попробуй, это просто
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