Calendar Of Seeds On Earth
March is the first month of spring. The thrilling first swellings of siege are happy to fill the soul with warm and hope... The seeds of vegetables continue to be planted on the sand (peppers, tomatoes, etc.). Closer to the end of the month, warm comrades (on biofuels) begin to be cooked by cold vegetables and landing.
In March 2016, the moon phases were distributed in such a way that the most Enabling days for crops All coloured crops (colours) as well as vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, baccalas, cucumbers and cabbages are only destined for the second decade of the month (from 10 March) and ends in full moon (22 March).
ATTENTION! Our moon gardener's calendar runs through Moscow time. (Calendarem can be used throughout Russia, given the difference between Moscow and local time *)
Moon leaving in Scorpion
Dying Moon in the Arrow
Losing Moon in Koseroga sign
Urban work, vegetable care and other plants
The short period available to East Siberia, the Far East and the Kamchatka: Poly and submersion of organic vegetable crops. The seed of the root selery. Put a potato from the seeds on the sand. It is possible to make a restraining plant cut, and it is not recommended that plants be multiplied by rubber and relay.(We still have blogs: Yes and garden, entrance only from the moon calendarThe streaming of the land, the resurrection of the seeds. Possibly transplant, picnic and submersion.
Spraying, heat plant fertilizer. In the southern regions, if snow occurs, the greenhouses and boyfriends are concealed with a film for rapid snow melting and soil warming. It's a pleasant time for a black-eyed torch and a toe-poor to scatter. Seed potato from seed. Potatoes for breeding. The seed of the root selery on the sky. Pictures in large tanks. The spraying of growth stimulants. It's a very unfavourable time to land and plant. Preparing greenhouses and greenhouses by season. Spilling the ash, concealing the dark film with a view to accelerating the melting of the snow, and then warming the soil on them. Upgrading, pest and disease spraying, organic fertilizer application.
6 March (21.02 Style) - Timofei Vesnovei
"The final turn to spring."
Someone might be interested in how we have a pick-up of scattering: WIDEO can see the picture clicks (the new window opens).
![посев семян дыни на рассаду](/img/video/posev_semyan_dini_na_rassadu_50.jpg)
![Проблемы при посеве мелких (мелкопыльных) семян. Обзор](/img/video/problemi_pri_poseve_melkih_melkopilnih_semyan.jpg)
![Сад и огород. Посев семян на рассаду.](/img/video/sad_i_ogorod_posev_semyan_na_1.jpg)
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