How To Grow Cucumbers On Open Soil
secrets of cucumber cultivation on open soilFor Open cultivationthe cucumbers are escorted from the north and by the dominant winds, lighted by the sun, south-west or south-east slopes. Beans, sunflower, candy, corn, potato. Rapidly growing high-sized crops create a distinct microclimate in the cucumber area. The slope of the south can be artificial, and then the air and soil temperature is 1-2° higher than in the environment. From the fall, they're going 25 to 30 cm. The heavy, mechanically glinist is supplemented by wood-based orifles, cutting salt, slash, straw. For high yields, the density of the ground or the mass of 1 cm3 shall be 0, 3 to 0, 8 g. In the heavy soil, the roots do not go incinerated, but usually come closer to the surface and often die because of severe temperature and moisture fluctuations and lack of air. So the focus should be on the rustyness of the ground. It is desirable that, when checking the density, the hand easily penetrates the ground, and the water is flushed free without forming a lie on the surface. Outdoor cucumber cultivation It is best to produce on a tidy stream of the slope and with some gradient on the south so that sun beams perpendicularly touch its surface. Soil temperatures are slightly higher than the flat surface, and yields are 20 to 30 per cent higher. Teams do not exceed 1 m in width and 20 to 30 cm high. Depending on the fertility of the plot, mineral fertilizers (20-25 g ammonia seplitres, 30-40 syperphosphate and 15-20 g sulphur dioxide per m2) shall be produced not later than two weeks before the crop and shall be carefully intermitted at the depth of the stream. The soil is supplemented with wood or beam (30-40 g/m2) and mixed. The surface is equated, the dry soil is polished. After seeding, cucumbers are not recommended to be polished because the water is plunging the air needed when seeds grow. In addition to this, a crust is usually formed after the spill, which also prevents the free access of oxygen to seeds. All of this is delaying upwards, creating additional care difficulties (resulting). On the open soil, when cucumbers are grown, seeds will be planted from the end of May to the fifth of June. They shall be warmed up at 60° in advance of seeds for two hours (heated by friendly outlets and previously fertilized), then placed. ♪ ♪ |

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