Как выращивать капусту

How To Grow Kale

A few words about cabbage.
How many of us know how to grow a cabbage, based on their own experience. And yet, in the production of different varieties and species, there are nuances. It should be said that virtually all forms of cabbage are well-reflected, with additional roots and improved nutritional conditions.
White cabbage. This type of cabbage cannot be planted, as well as other cabbage (redis, river) in the same place before 2-3 years.
Colored cabbage. If the summer is dry and hot, raise the leaves around the nomad and tie them with a rope. It will help preserve the moisture and color. When you cut the cabbage heads, don't take off the blindfold because in the leaves. Color cabbage It's a lot longer and no loss.
Collrab cabbage. Colrabies are the only type of cabbage that is not recommended to be bitten, as it causes a delay in the growth of stubble fruit and worsens quality.
Brockcoley doesn't need a head stitch. The lack of soil moisture often leads to a sharp decline in the yield and quality of the product. The plants become rubber and wooden.
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