All About Carrots
The carrots contain vitamins of group B, PP, C, E, K, it has carotine, a substance that turns into vitamin A. Carrkov contains 1, 3 per cent protein, 7 per cent carbon. There was little in the carrots of minerals needed for humans: potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, copper, iodine, zinc, chromium, nickel, fluoro and others. The carrots contain air oils that give them their own smell.
The carrots contain beta-carotine that improves lungs. Beta-Carothin is the predecessor of vitamin A. By falling into the human body, carotine becomes vitamin A, which is most useful to young women. The carrots are also linked to the strengthening of the glazing. People suffering from intimacy, conjunctiveness, bluffariites, night blindness and rapid exhaustion of this product in food are highly desirable.
Carrots are used in human nutrition. It's good to have a cheese carrots, because it strengthens dess. As vitamin A promotes growth, carrots are particularly useful to children. This vitamin is necessary for normal view, it supports in good skin condition and sliding casings. Carrots, carrots and especially carrots are used in hypo- and avitaminesis A, liver diseases, cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, low blood, polyartry, mineral exchange violations. Pure from a raw or welded carrots is shown at the ring.
The carrots help to treat malignant tumours, dysbacteriasis of the bowel, nephrites. She has this vegetable and anti-microbial properties. Carrots also contain fitoncides. It's enough to eat the carrots, and the number of microbes in the mouth will decrease sharply. You can bury a carrots in your nose to cure snots. Physicians and cookers are advised to use a dining carrots with a bright red leather, especially if it is removed before the early falls.
Carrots are often included in the diet of diabetes mellitus. For the organism to learn more quickly the provitamin A carrots, it's more appropriate to use with estimates or vegetable oil. In the sense of keeping fat in the system, carrots from vegetables only fall from kale. The potassium connections to carrots are 10 times greater than sodium compounds. This, together with food fibers, gives this root not only to urea but also to moderate glaciers.
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